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Md Saad Bin Alam


Md Saad-Bin-Alam joined the Nonlinear Photonics Group in 2016 as a MASc student of Electrical and Computer Engineering in University of Ottawa (uOttawa). He received his BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from North South University (NSU), Bangladesh. Prior to joining this group, Saad worked as a research assistant in NSU under the supervision of Prof. Atiqur Rahman, where he did research on sub-wavelength optical Imaging and hybrid plasmonic nano-antenna. Besides, in his undergraduate thesis he also worked on RF energy harvesting circuit, narrow and ultra-wideband microwave antenna for different applications with Ms. Sanjida Moury. Saad is presently performing research in the field of plasmonics, metamaterials, nonlinear optics.

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